Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Life is Far Too Short.

on june 30th 2011 my friend Kayleigh Brugger and her boyfriend Paul Tschuschba got into a horrific car accident on highway 110 just outside of Erikson MB. neither of them made it.

they were bright young adults with beautiful futures ahead of them. they were popular because of their kindness and loving. they loved all that was around them and all that was in the world. i know they are not truly gone, but they live on in the beautiful things around us. Kayleigh lives through the sunshine and the flowers and Paul lives through laughter and smiles.

i didnt know Paul as well as i knew Kayleigh. she truly was a shining star, and an angel from God. every time that i would see her she would give me a big hug and ask me with genuine secerity what i was up to and how i was. there are not many people who can say that she did not touch their lives with her loving spirit and kindness. her motto was this:

Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you.
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense.
Never let your prayin knees get lazy, and love like crazy.

she and Paul will be missed, but not forgotten and forever they will be loved.

Rest In Peace Kayleigh and Paul. I love and cherish you both and the time we had together. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In the land of the midgets.

my broski's grade 8 class

this is my little broski Justin. isnt he just the cutest?

anyways. so yesterday was my little brother's grade 8 grad. i know that sounds kinda funny to graduate from the eighth grade but thats what we do up here in manitoba. i was le photographer for the occasion. a VERY wearing job if i do say so myself, i now see why professional photographers are paid alarming sums of money...




i have chosen some of my favourite photographs for this post. the boys posed in front of this lurid red corvette that some absolute loon of first water decided to bring for a grade 8 grad... 
the girls on the other hand were posing in lovely sun filled grasses. :) 
both groups were very lovely to work with, they did exactly what i told them to do posewise and such.

thanks a million!
Allisa V!

Monday, June 27, 2011

It Begins With an Ending.

its the end of high school for these lucky few, but also the beginning of the rest of their lives.

 this is the graduating class of 2011. this is where i will be a year from now. standing there in my maroon and gold gown, unsure of what to do next but still looking towards the future.

i watched one of my best friends graduate today. it was lovely! her hair was gorgeous and she looked adorable in her cap and gown!

awwe shes growing up :)

anyways this is the beginning of the blog! stay tuned for more!

allisa v.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So I have decided to keep a blog.

We should start with an introduction, my name is Allisa Noel, I am 17 (although i am turning 18 in December) and I live in a charming little cowtown in Manitoba. Right now you are probably asking yourself, where is this place? It's in Canada, right smack dab in the middle of nowhere, however, we do have three Tim Horton's and a Walmart so I guess we do qualify as a Hicktown. Anyways! on a whim I have decided to create a photo journal documenting my senior year up here in Flood-a-go-go land. At first when I decided this, I told myself a daily photo would be swicked, however, I am a very busy kid so it will be 7 photos (one for each day) once a week, starting as soon as exams this year are done. :)
